Sunday, August 9, 2009

The sun is near setting now. I will close and motivate over to the Main Stage to watch 3Oh3 perform. Tonights show is likely to be really fun since Denver is home town and they no doubt have many friends and family members here tonight. I am expecting a good party tonight too---then girls to airport and I drive back to South Dakota where I left Destiny chilling in the Home Hospice parking lot. She was missed though; our friends here were pretty confused to see us pulling in yesterday morning without our pop-up. We nearly felt invisable a time or two as so much of our imediate identity is apparent via Destiny. She's our trade mark.

Happy Sunday Eve everyone,



  1. Mar - please take out best wishes for a peaceful outcome for Edna, and for Ruth too. Give everyone a hug from us, and I've really enjoyed following you and the girls around the tour. I pointed a fellow blogger here, who's son has cf, just fyi. And every 16 year old I know has heard about your summer, and they are ALL GREEN with envy - every last one!

  2. I'm a dork! I never looked back at this blog until now...I didn't even know there were comments.

